Recording description
Recorded with my Boren-Simon 10″ telescope and Apogee Ultra 8300 CCD with narrow band filters:
Luminance: 65 minutes
Ha: 75 minutes
O3: 80 minuntes
Processed in PixInsight and Photosop CS6.
Blue channel is syntezised from luminance.
Object description
NGC 4214 is a dwarf barred irregular galaxy located around 10 million light-years away in the constellation Canes Venatici.
NGC 4214 is both larger and brighter than the Small Magellanic Cloud as well as a starburst galaxy, with the largest star-forming regions (NGC 4214-I and NGC 4214-II) in the galaxy’s center. Of the two, NGC 4214-I contains a super star cluster rich in Wolf-Rayet stars and NGC 4214-II is younger (age less than 3 million years), including a number of star clusters and stellar associations.
NGC 4214 also has two older super star clusters, both with an age of 200 million years and respective masses of 2.6*105 y 1.5*106 solar masses.
Source: Wikiepedia